

Welcome to the miJobHunt’s advertising request page.

Using the form below, you will be able to begin the process for placing a recruitment ad in The Detroit News and Detroit Free Press. You will select which form of ad you would like to place (in-paper, online, or a combination), the classification you would like to run it in, a description of the ad and dates you would like your ad to appear.

Soon after we receive your submission, an account representative will respond to your request. Your ad will not be placed in the newspaper until after this confirmation of placement and billing information.

If you are interested in additional services such as Hot Careers, Hot Companies, miJobHunt TV, and Career Fairs, please “check” the appropriate box below and a representative will provide more details about how you take advantage of these special features.

If you have any questions about this form or about advertising opportunities, please email

USA Today Careers and (with print in-column ad)


USA Today Careers and (with print DISPLAY ad)


Internet Only ad at (30 day posting)


Employment Ad Deadlines

Run Day of Ad

Ad Placement Deadline Time


3:35 p.m. on Saturday


1:45 p.m. previous day


11:45 a.m. Friday

In-Column for Sunday

3:00 p.m. Friday

Display for Sunday

12:00 p.m. Friday

Disclaimer: National rates may apply to some advertisers. Above charges are non-refundable. Private-party, non-contract and non-commercial only, some classifieds excluded.

Detroit Newspapers is only responsible for errors the first day. Claims for adjustment, refund, or reinsertion because of position will not be honored unless the advertisement appears under the wrong classification. All ads are subject to credit approval.

Please note: Although it is most unlikely that you will experience any problems responding to this form, certain non-standard browsers will not respond properly. If you experience any difficulties, (or if you are not using a forms-capable browser) you may email your response to this form to: